Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lagu Alumni Idol Terbaik

My Top 10 Indonesian Idol Alumni!

1. Tak Seperti Dulu - Mike
2. Nino (Wisnu) - Sungguh
3. Judika - Setengah Mati Merindu
4. Winda - Kutemukan penggantinya
5. Judika - Mama Papa Larang
6. Delon - Terbalik
7. Rini - Aku tetap milikmu
8. Monita Tahalea - Kekasih Sejati
9. Gisel - Pencuri Hati
10. Kamasean - How Could You

Monday, March 10, 2014

Salad Emergency

Ketika Lapar Melanda,  namun ikatan diet mendera

Tak mungkin rasanya makan makanan padang sederhana maupun tidak

Maka terciptalah suatu jalan keluar



Lettuce 200gr
Delima 50gr
Rambutan 3 buah
Nenas 100 gr
Thousand island salad dressing secukupnya

Potong lettuce dan atur di piring
Lalu kecrotin salad dressing nya


Jadi deh

Dlm 3 menit habis

Lalu lapar lagi deh


Saturday, February 15, 2014

When it happens

Recently, I've watched several movie's or tv series that portray end of the world. Not Judgement day or something like that.

But those movies depict the end of civilization. When the governments collapsed,  the law enforcements have no power. And the society has gone entering the other world of uncertainty.

Electricity went off,  businesses stopped , telecommunication is not working. The whole system shut down.

We are human of nowadays are so dependant to the system.  Where we life our daily routines like now and worried nothing for our basic necessities. As long as we have money,  we can maintain our lifestyles as comfortable as we can

Lots of us don't have any basic survival skills such as producing our own food,  shelters,  gathering water and etc.

So when the system shut down,  what can we do?

What if there's a nuclear war?
A deadly virus outbreak?
A zombie apocalypse?
A major earthquake we've never seem before?
Another meteor crash like the one which killed the dinosaurs,
A mega volcano eruptions
Etc,  etc

Do we know how to survive?
Do we know where to go?
Do we know what to do?  For the sake of our very own existence?

Though this is only a topic that I address you. But we'll never know what will happen

But better be prepared than be surprise when it happens

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Playlist 4 February 2014

Daftar lagu yg sedang berputar hari ini

1. LORDE - ROYAL Si aneh dari New Zealand yg menggebrak dengan musiknya. Menghasilkan 2 grammy baru baru saja.

2. Mike Mohede -Tak Seperti Dulu
Lantunan lirik dari Mike yg disampaikan penuh perasaan. Lirih suaranya berbanding dgn lirik yg mendayu

3. Daft Punk featuring Pharrel - Get Lucky
Sebuah ramuan ajaib dari kolaborasi musisi nyeleneh dari masa yg berbeda namun menghasilkan musik yg spektakuler

4. Adele - Make you Feel my Love
Satu lagu yg begitu meminta perhatian pendengarnya. Meraung,  menghiba ingin didengar para jiwa yg luka

5. Justin Timberlake - Mirrors
Sebuah gubahan persembahan bagi sepasang manusia yg mencinta untuk selamanya

6. The Corrs - Dont Say You Love Me
Kemana mereka?  Mengapa tak berkarya?

Dedaunan Kering Sang Pohon

Detik berkejaran dengan menit dan jam
Berlari tanpa lelah tanpa garis akhir

Matahari,  bintang dan Bulan berputar saling mengisi penggalan hari 

Dua Jarum besi terus berjalan maju dan takkan berputar kembali

Sementara sang pohon beranjak tinggi. Menggapai langit biru. Tumbuh dengan indahnya

Walau begitu,  dedaunanya terus berguguran seiring dengan perginya matahari

Tumpukan dedaunannya kering dan tak terhembus bayu

Bertumpuk dan bertumpuk semakin tinggi membukit

Apakah yg akan dialami dedaunan ?

Apakah akan terbakar gesek bara kemarau?

Apakah akan membusuk,  memuai kembali bersama tanah?

Apakah akan hanyut dipeluk banyu menuju sungai terakhir?

Apakah akan terbang dihembus Angin menuju Timur?

Atau terus bertimbun,  meninggi mengejar sang pohon?

Saat angin,  api,  air dan tanah tak kuasa atas para dedaunan

Saatnya bertanya pada sang pohon

Kuatkah kau melepas mereka?
Sanggupkah rela berpisah?
Terus bertumbuh tinggalkan mereka?

Sang pohon pun terpekur. Lalu mendongak kearah langit biru

Diserunya api dari barat,  banyu dari utara,  tanah dari selatan dan Bayu dari Timur

Direlakanlah dedaunan nya kepada Sang Empat

Terbakar,  Terhanyut,  Tertimbun dan Tertiup

Sang Pohon lalu menatap langit biru dan matahari dan terus bertumbuh menggapainya

Arief Rachman, Jakarta, Februari 2014

Monday, February 03, 2014

Ikut menyumbang ide rasa keripik kentang

Frito lays,  produsen keripik kentang Lats sedang membuat sayembara berhadiah sejuta dollar untuk menciptakan rasa baru

Silahkan klik

Seru aja buat lucu-lucuan

Kalo beruntung bisa dapat sejuta dollar. Lumayan buat beli keripik

What Year is It?

It's like coming out of a time machine and confused by your view!

Let me tell you a brief about NOW. What happened in this world.

What Year is it?

Well,  it's 2014
The year when Marty McFly went back to the future riding a Delorean.

Well 2014 has just started,  yet we haven't got any flying cars nor flying skateboard to get around.

But yes the future has come where almost everybody who got money are connected worldwide through internet using their smartphones.

This era is the era where anybody who got money can eat anything they want. Obesity is happening everywhere from US to China while ironically we still got hunger in Africa

Peace in middle east is struggling. Syria in in the highlight for a long disputes while Israel is still being the public enemy

USA got their first black president running his second presidency. Their having trust issues from the public since NSA allegedly spies on everybody in this world on behalf national securities.

People nowadays are attracted to music that generated by machines.
A 17yrs old New Zealand songstress Lorde won 2 Grammies
Daft Punk is still around and kicking ass
Madonna is still touring and looking good

The late Princess Diana got her 1st grandchild,  Prince George. And yes the queen is still alive. Long live the Queen.

People can clone animals now.

The world cup will be held in Brazil this year

There are lots of natural disasters in this world lately,  volcanic eruptions,  flood,  super thypoons,  earthquakes, landslides etc

Well I hope I freshen up your memories

Tell you more about all

what's Up

It's been a while since the last time I wrote in this blog. The last time I touch this blog is when I imported my multiply account entries,  dodging the elimination caused by the deactivation of
What a pity

I will write more from now on